Sunday, March 2, 2014

February Overview Peace and Love

Another month has passed. Once again, I struggled to capture just what I was hoping for. Too much time is being spent on things other than photography. The best part of the assignment was going out and taking photographs. When I had time to to spend on my photography, I feel so at peace and I love looking around and seeing the world; big and small, near and far.

On the first Saturday of this month our photo walk group went out to Iowa to see and photograph the Eagles and spend a little time at Antique Archaeology. The antique store is filled with all kinds of things that were loved by someone and are now, at a minimum, intriguing to the owners and visitors of the store. 

Someone had this little guy as a toy and kept it until it was a faded memory. It now sits on display in the store, a collectors items for everyone who visits to see.

The Nash was loved by someone as well. It is the sign for the store and is photographed by many, many visitors. I personally loved the way the snow had collected and created interesting shapes and designs around the car.

 To see these Bald Eagles back in such high numbers is a wonderful thing. They are gaining in numbers and can bee seen more and more easily in Illinois especially in winter. When we got out of the car, this tree full of eagles pulled me in.

This one was chattering away at the top of the tree. It's a wonderful sound.

  I have struggled to capture moving wildlife. Bird and whales are so beautiful, but I usually come home and find that I have my shutter speed to slow or I was moving as I was taking the photograph. This trip, I was steady and finally captured some nice images even as the birds soared right over head.

 The was not peace or love. Well, I guess it's about love of a fish. But this was an argument over who got to eat the fish. As you can see, the fish went back into the water. Fighting really doesn't get you anywhere.

On Valentine's Day, I finally stopped to take a photograph of this house. It was repainted this summer and for the first time, I noticed the heart shape in the intricate design.

 In search of a little winter beauty at the end of the day. I went out for a drive waiting for sunset. The clouds won, but I found this to be a peaceful scene.

Just as I was about to go to bed, my husband said that Gilbert was out photographing the Aurora Borealis. This is on my bucket list of things to see and photograph. I walked into my boots, grabbed my coat, hat, mittens and camera gear and was off. To make it even better, John didn't let me go alone. Out on Rich Road, we met up with Gilbert and this was the only shot that I got before the Aurora faded completely from view. The view and the image did not show this much color. I had to up the saturation to bring out the colors in the sky. This is my reminder of what is out there and that some day, I will be awed by the colors and dancing of those fantastic nights. It's always good to have the camera ready to go, just on case you hear the call.

A month of Peace and Love. March is Water, Water, Everywhere. I wonder what I shall find.

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