Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 30: Happiness is . . .

The last day of the month. When I started this 30 day challenge, I had planned to use the concept "Happiness is a journey, not a destination." -- Alfred D. Souza as an excuse to go out and do photography then put up a daily post. I did take pictures everyday, but often it was with my cell phone camera. Things don't always go as you plan, but they always seem to go somewhere. It was a hard project because I began to realize that my happiness circle was relatively small. The simple things near me such as my husband, my dogs, and being out with my camera could easily provide for a happiness moment. That was OK, but I would think in the back of my mind that there were a few people reading my daily posts and I had to look around and see happiness in more places so my friends wouldn't get bored.

That was a good thing, I did find happiness in so many areas of my life.

To end this month, I will say when you find the laughter,laugh along with it.

In moments of joy, immerse yourself in it.

Happiness is a choice. No matter who you are or what is going on in your life.
You get to choose to find it and grasp on to it.

My little world of happiness often revolves around a few things. Each day those things keep me going and opening the door to more and more moments of happiness.

May you find happiness in all that you do.

I don't know what October will bring. I still have a few hours to figure that out.

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