Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bald Eagles

I have been watching a live camera feed of the Norfolk Virginia Botanical Garden's of and Eagle nest. The eagle pair hatched three eaglets in late March. We have been sneaking peaks of the eagles since last week when the link was emailed by a friend.

Right now one of the parent is feeding fish to the three eaglets. Just a little bit ago, both adults were in the nest. This parent is breaking off pieces of the fish and feeding it to the eaglets. Every once in a while, he (the male is smaller than the female) takes his own bite.

As I sat watching the father feed his brood and himself, I thought about how important it is to take care of yourself even as you take care of others. If he gave all of the food to his babies, he would not have the energy to care for his young. A reminder that we need to take care of our needs and give ourselves the food and moments that we need to keep up our energy.

The mother and father also share the duties, so they remind us to work together.

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